Sunday, 6 May 2012

Sunday Catch Up

Well this week has been a little more interesting than usual because my work has all been focused on writing blog entries for one of the websites I write for, so that makes a nice change. I have to write about companies, products etc as usual but it's just pushy and more like an article. It's supposed to be friendly, informative and chatty, which makes it not only more interesting to read but also more interesting to write. So, for example, this week I wrote about what to do on holiday in Amsterdam and Brussels, how to get a great fake tan, a review of The Hunger Games and two recipes, amongst other things. I generally like my work anyway but this just makes for a nice change of pace.

When I wasn't working I was drinking a lot of tea, as usual, and coffee, as usual. I watched quite a few films this week including: Freaky Friday, the 1976 version which is hilarious, Mulan, Food Inc and Supersize Me.

Click the image to make it bigger!
Food Inc was really interesting, it didn't really tell me much that I didn't already know but it was interesting none the less. I didn't realise how corn is in pretty much all manufactured foods but called all sorts of things so you don't realise, how most US food, especially meat, is produced by only a handful of companies and jut how disgusting meat is. I don't eat meat and I've always found it pretty gross anyway but it's another thing entirely when they can show you how diseased it is, how it's then sterilized before being shipped out and how even then some still gets through and can potentially kill people. Yummy! Food Inc does show the poor animals in horrible conditions and the slaughter houses, it wasn't too graphic (except for the poor chickens) so you don't need to worry about that if you find such images upsetting. There's just a few places where you might want to take the chance to make a cup of tea. Definitely worth a watch.

On Thursday the Summer of Sonic venue was announced which is awesome. We've attended the last few years and this year have managed to get some other friends to join in the fun. It's just a really fun day for people who still love that spiky blue hedgehog and want to play some games, chat to friends and generally hang out with some cool, if somewhat nerdy, people.

Saturday was our four year anniversary so my fiancé put together some photos of us:

These bottom two are cool because the left is us in 2008 a little while after we started going out (24th May) and the right is our third anniversary and the day we got engaged (2011)!

We started the day with cream teas for breakfast, then I made veggie shepherd's pie for dinner and we pop across to the funfair on the green opposite our house to get some donuts as a treat. We didn't get up to much but it was a lovely day anyway! I also went to the shops and on the way back walked through the cat park, which is a little patch of green with a path going through it and a few benches and flowerbeds. There are two cats that hang out there, one black and one two-toned grey and light brown, and they're super friendly so I sat and had a cuddle with them for a little while before heading home. They apparently belong to the lady who lives in a flat next-door to the park and she has more cats who all hang out in the park, but I haven't seen any other cats around recently.

Today my parents are visiting and we are going out to lunch, but my fiancé is at work so he's missing out. He does have leftover shepherd's pie though so it's not all bad.

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