Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Coveted Cover: Wildwood Dancing

Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier
This book was published back in 2007 and I haven't read it, but I do love the cover. It's such a throwback to old fairytale book covers. It's colourful, cluttered and a little weird. Sure, it's not everyone's cup of tea but it does draw your attention. The girl has such huge hair! She's so skinny! Her neck is so long! Why are there fish floating around? What's with the little white fox? I need to know! I must read it!

Wildwood Dancing also gets really, really great reviews (predominantly 4/5 and 5/5 ratings) so I feel that I must get hold of a copy as soon as possible. It's also part of a series and Juliet Marillier has written lots of other equally well received books so I hope I won't be disappointed.

From Goodreads:

High in the Transylvanian woods, at the castle Piscul Draculi, live five daughters and their doting father. It's an idyllic life for Jena, the second eldest, who spends her time exploring the mysterious forest with her constant companion, a most unusual frog. But best by far is the castle's hidden portal, known only to the sisters. Every Full Moon, they alone can pass through it into the enchanted world of the Other Kingdom. There they dance through the night with the fey creatures of this magical realm.
But their peace is shattered when Father falls ill and must go to the southern parts to recover, for that is when cousin Cezar arrives. Though he's there to help the girls survive the brutal winter, Jena suspects he has darker motives in store. Meanwhile, Jena's sister has fallen in love with a dangerous creature of the Other Kingdom--an impossible union it's up to Jena to stop.
When Cezar's grip of power begins to tighten, at stake is everything Jena loves: her home, her family, and the Other Kingdom she has come to cherish. To save her world, Jena will be tested in ways she can't imagine--tests of trust, strength, and true love.

1 comment:

  1. What a fascinating sounding book! I'm most often tempted to buy books because of their artwork and title rather than reviews..x0x maybe not always a good idea but this looks great! I also want to get my hands on it~ ♡ :Q
    Thanks for sharing! x


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