Friday, 1 June 2012

TGIF: Which books have you found to be very rewarding when it comes to tackling tougher issues?


Issue Books: Which books have you found to be very rewarding when it comes to tackling tougher issues? 

I don't think I've read many 'issue books' because as a teenager I read mostly fantasy books and as an adult I read a variety but I just haven't come across many issue books that make me want to read them. I've always disliked books that seem to be pushy, that talk about fixing people and how everything will be perfect in the end.

The only issue books I can remember ever reading and liking were The Bell Jar and Girl, Interrupted, I'm sure that there are more that I've simply forgotten about. I also read Before I Die about a year ago and it was...okay. I didn't really like the main character all that much and I think it could have been more interesting, but it wasn't a bad book by any means. I do find issue books interesting but I think a part of me finds them hard to enjoy because some subjects matters hit a little too close to home for me, I've known friends who have tried to commit suicide, who've had eating disorders, who've self-harmed and so on, so books that revolve around such subjects either upset me or aren't realistic enough and just irritate me.

But, if you have any suggestions of great issue books then let me know and I'll check them out!

This week at The Paralian Girl:
Review: Dear Dylan
Listen To This: Cloud Cult
Page Turners: Blue
Fake It 'til You Make It, Then Keep Faking It?
From The Review Pile: Starters
TGIF: Which books have you found to be very rewarding when it comes to tackling tougher issues?

Still to come:
Something For The Weekend
Sunday Catch Up


  1. I don't read a lot of books that tackle issues ... or so I thought. The more I think about it, well, most dystopian books tackle some tough issues of government, like The Giver or Delirium. Also When She Woke and Legend are 2 more that come to mind.

  2. There are gobs of great suggestions if you just visit the blogs in the linky list. I've been enjoying reading everyone's suggestions!

    My TGIF

  3. I haven't read your picks, but I have read Before I Die, which had some pretty heart-wrenching moments--though my favorite cancer book would have to be The Fault In Our Stars.

    here’s my TGIF


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