Sunday, 8 January 2012

Sunday Catch Up

Boho Cafe, Canterbury
Well after Christmas my partner's brother came to stay with us for a few days which was nice, we took him to Canterbury for the day to introduce him to the awesomeness of the Whatever Comics shop and the Level Up Games shop, as well as the delicious food and tea at Boho Cafe. If you live in or around Canterbury (we are a 20 min train ride away) then I really suggest that you check these places out.

Boho Cafe, Canterbury
Whatever Comics, Canterbury
Level Up Games, Canterbury

Since my partner's brother left we have been tidying up mostly and getting back into our usual routines. The Christmas decorations came down yesterday so the front room looks much bigger and more tidy than it has the last few weeks. I adore Christmas and the decorations but I do like taking them down again, it makes you appreciate the room again.

Today I had to take one of our four gerbils to the vet because his teeth had grown obscenely long. They have tons of chews and things to keep them busy and their teeth worn down but this little one, Peeper, has slightly crooked teeth so they don't wear on each other like they should. Anyway, he has had then neatly clipped and he seems very happy again.

Other than that I have been working as usual, I was offered a slightly different writing job recently in addition to my usual work so that's nice. I've also spent a lot of time listening to music again. I always listen to music but it tends to be the same few bands over and over again. So instead I've recently been listening to: Fleet Foxes, Bon Iver, Voxtrot and Arcade Fire, for a change. Check them out if you want to listen to something different to your usual, or the same as your usual depending what you like. They're not very different to what I normally listen too, but I know what I like.

Today I plan to do a bit more editing and play Skyrim. I sure know how to live. I might even have a cup of tea.

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