Friday, 20 January 2012

Feature Friday: Pinterest

I discovered Pinterest this week and I just have to share it with everyone. I love spending time online finding recipies, awesome pictures, hairstyles to try out and so on and Pinterest is a great place to do just that. It works like a virtual pinboard where you "pin" things that interest you so you don't lose track of them. 

For example here is what a couple of my boards looks like:


Yummy Things!

My Style

I love that it helps me to organise my thoughts a bit and it means I don't have to save files to my computer or bookmark a million things, plus you can easily share with other people which is always nice. You can add a little button to your browser so you can "pin" things you see around the web that you like, and when something is pinned it links to the original place that item came from so you won't end up pinning a cute picture for a tutorial and lose track the tutorial itself.

If you find yourself loving it and you are lucky enough to have an iPhone then you can also get an app too.

Check it out and see if you get as addicted as me!

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